} Y = /^h\d$/i, } To determine your Burmese zodiac animal sign and ruling direction, all you need is the day of the week you were born on. } ub = "*/".concat("*"), La = d.createElement("div").style; k = (n.cssNumber[b] || "px" !== j && +i) && T.exec(n.css(a, b)); if ((f = o[3]) && c.getElementsByClassName && b.getElementsByClassName) return H.apply(d, b.getElementsByClassName(f)), d da = function() { } y = "nocontent" : 304 === b ? return null != a ? border: 1px solid #74e98a; text: "responseText", not: ha(function(a) { } else if (void 0 !== d && (e = !0, n.isFunction(d) || (g = !0), j && (g ? return b ? The Gregorian calendar, consisting of 365 days, is off kilter with the Earths trip around the sun and is adjusted every four years in February with a leap day. text-align: center; If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. return h > -1 && (d = n.trim(a.slice(h)), a = a.slice(0, h)), n.isFunction(b) ? top: 0; function b(c, e) { else ["reject", "fail", n.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"], }), }), n._evalUrl = function(a) { while ((f = h[b++]) && !a.isPropagationStopped()) { font-weight: 600; color:#000 !important; return "Until" !== a.slice(-5) && (d = c), d && "string" == typeof d && (e = n.filter(d, e)), this.length > 1 && (E[a] || n.uniqueSort(e), D.test(a) && e.reverse()), this.pushStack(e) n.param = function(a, b) { g = f.length; width: 560px; f.value : null }; } n.fn[b] = function(a) { return a === o -webkit-transform: rotate(-5deg) } .cc-bottom { font-family: arial; -moz-animation-fill-mode: both; } }, } google_ad_slot = "8872835634"; var c = n.queue(a, b), }, }) for (k = h[h.length - 1].ownerDocument, n.map(h, ra), m = 0; i > m; m++) j = h[m], Z.test(j.type || "") && !N.access(j, "globalEval") && n.contains(k, j) && (j.src ? return !1 b.parentNode && b.parentNode.removeChild(b), b = null return null == a ? }, return { pushStack: function(a) { } : function(a) { var c, d = [], } Even those Zodiac sign calculators that ask for all the necessary information may use simplified computing and therefore sometimes give results that can be a degree or even more off. right: 5px; } }, border-radius: 50%; .av-monthwrap p{margin:0; text-align:center;} b.getElementsByClassName(a) : void 0 They are positive and smart. }, get: function(a) { if (h = i = e = e || d, 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && !ib.test(q + n.event.triggered) && (q.indexOf(".") if (h.style) { selector: e, return n.each(arguments, function(a, b) { Knowledgeable, enthusiastic, and attentive your personal local guides will share interesting .cc-bottom .box-cookies { }) while (m = m[p]) padding-top: 5px return x .modal-content { }, } var c = b.getElementById(a); var b = y[a + " "]; d : a[b] j.href = m.url, j.href = j.href, m.crossDomain = vb.protocol + "//" + vb.host != j.protocol + "//" + j.host }, fa.error = function(a) { name: b.name, _default: [0, "", ""] :java|ecma)script/i, return this namespace: p.join(".") var d = !0, 40% { }), a[this.expando] }, fa.matchesSelector = function(a, b) { -moz-animation-fill-mode: both; } }, return a.replace(ka, "<$1>") .inactive { color: #fff; 0: 200, }) x = f || e && d.find.TAG("*", k), } catch (e) {} next: function(a) { c.handler && (f = c, c = f.handler, e = f.selector), c.guid || (c.guid = n.guid++), (i = r.events) || (i = r.events = {}), (g = r.handle) || (g = r.handle = function(b) { s = r.join(","), w = _.test(a) && oa(b.parentNode) || b } More details can be found in our privacy policy. for (var c = []; a; a = a.nextSibling) 1 === a.nodeType && a !== b && c.push(a); if (a = Ka[c] + b, a in La) return a Each sign is associated with an animal. .homenl-pop .modal-content { google_ad_height = 600; src: a.url return this.on(b, a) return a.disabled === !0 if (g = j[i + " " + f] || j["* " + f], !g) f.push(c); return a isReady: !0, display: inline-block; var b = a[this.expando]; }) : this.each(function() { if (s(a)) { if ("object" == typeof a) { send: function(e, f) { } } } }, if (a.nodeType < 6) return !1; font-size: 13px; The spring festival of Songkran marks the Thai New Year. specialEasing: {}, n.find.matchesSelector(d, a) ? . }, border: 1px solid #fff; box-shadow: none !important; #tawkchat-container iframe:first-child { } } var Lb = n.fn.load; The festival celebrates the end of the dry season to welcome the rain needed for a successful rice harvest. }), n.fn.extend({ transform: rotate(5deg) -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform .3s ease-out; access: function(a, b, c) { if (c = d[i], (c.selected || i === e) && (l.optDisabled ? tweener: function(a, b) { var c = 9 === a.nodeType ? teardown: function() { return !f }, for (var b = 0, c = a.length, d = ""; c > b; b++) d += a[b].value; l.delegateType : l.bindType) || o, m = i[o] || [], h = h[2] && new RegExp("(^|\\.)" while (b = b[d]) E = [], }, }), n.extend({ background: #fff url(/images/horoscope/img/subscripe-horoscope2.jpg) no-repeat scroll left bottom/cover; opacity: 1; return function(a) { empty: function() { success: 1, overflow-x: hidden; !a && "length" in a && a.length, !area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:-]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi, CHILD: new RegExp("^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(? return void 0 !== c ? mouseleave: "mouseout", }, n.fn.extend({ }, 0 : "number" == typeof d.duration ? else try { for (e in j) }, e = fa.getText = function(a) { e.addEventListener("unload", da, !1) : e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("onunload", da)), c.attributes = ia(function(a) { abort: function(a) { opacity: .25; h = n.Deferred().always(function() { 80% { var S = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(? function ua(a, b, c, d, e) { for (e in b) n.isFunction(this[e]) ? } if (window.gtmDidInit) { Thai-Cong Quach - Birth Chart Gender: Male Date of Birth: 1 January 1972 - 02:00h Birth place: Ho Chi Minh City Country: VN, Vietnam Age: 51 years Sun: Cap Moon: Can ASC: Sco Life Path: 3 Compatibility Occupation: hashion designer Thai-Cong Quach - Astrology Birth Chart, Horoscope Date of Birth (local time): 1 January 1972 - 02:00 ( SST) }), n.each(["get", "post"], function(a, b) { var b, c, d, f, g, h = [], :" + L + "*([*^$|!~]?=)" + L + "*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((? max-width: 100%; -o-transform: translate(0, 0); This holiday is also the time for villagers to honor their elders, give offerings of food to monks, ignite firecrackers to scare away evil spirits and ritually bathe household Buddha images. } return b && 11 !== b.nodeType ? position: relative } .homenl-pop.modal-dialog { merge: function(a, b) { width: 100% else if (j = n.contains(f.ownerDocument, f), g = _(l.appendChild(f), "script"), j && aa(g), c) { .cc-bottom .box-cookies { function Xa(a, b) { return h(), e.promise(b) }, null, a, arguments.length) attrHandle: {}, a : j ? 4 : 0, j = b >= 200 && 300 > b || 304 === b, d && (u = zb(m, x, d)), u = Ab(m, u, x, j), j ? rb = /^\/\//, var A, B = /^(? return void 0 === b || k.call(a, b) prop: function(a, b) { position: relative function wb(a) { if (e = fb(c), d = 1 === c.nodeType && (" " + e + " ").replace(eb, " ")) { top: b.top - d.top - n.css(c, "marginTop", !0), return this.name && !n(this).is(":disabled") && Fb.test(this.nodeName) && !Eb.test(a) && (this.checked || !X.test(a)) } prev: function(a) { null : n.isArray(c) ? Other people can be attracted by your home-loving character. }, g = c.push, var c, d, e = n.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {}; beforeunload: { use of cookies. return c queue: function(a, b) { right: -7px; })), (c.matchesSelector = Z.test(s = o.matches || o.webkitMatchesSelector || o.mozMatchesSelector || o.oMatchesSelector || o.msMatchesSelector)) && ia(function(a) { xml: "application/xml, text/xml", function(a, b) { } var b = a.parentNode; opacity: 1; if (f) { @-moz-keyframes swing { d : (d = (a.ownerDocument || a) === (b.ownerDocument || b) ? } transform: rotate(-10deg) return a.innerHTML = "", a.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""), "" === a.firstChild.getAttribute("value") a = "string" == typeof a ? Horoscope by date of birth | Birth chart calculator. } function initGTM() { this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(a, this) }, If you dont know the time of day of your birth, make it 12:00 noon, so that it can be no more than 12 hours wrong. else } }, fa.uniqueSort = function(a) { padding: 0 left: b.left - d.left - n.css(c, "marginLeft", !0) return l.cors || Ib && !b.crossDomain ? O.remove(this, a) } } for (var c = +b.length, d = 0, e = a.length; c > d; d++) a[e++] = b[d]; function Na(a, b, c) { } if (f = o[1]) { ">": { H.apply(E = I.call(v.childNodes), v.childNodes), E[v.childNodes.length].nodeType return a.nodeType ? return fa(a, b).length > 0 } L = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]", j.tweens.length : 0; for (e = ++i; f > e; e++) } Experience local culture by practicing it. else { e(a, b, !p) : void 0; while (h--)(f = g[h]) && (a[h] = ! position: absolute; find: function(a) { if (c && c(q, r, h, i), d) { background: 0 0 z-index: 99 } } c = e.call(arguments), font-size: 15px; These fortune-telling specialists consult divination manuscripts, known as phrommachat, matching the horoscopes of prospective couples. }, overflow-y: auto first: function() { height: 25px !important return "input" === a.nodeName.toLowerCase() && "text" === a.type && (null == (b = a.getAttribute("type")) || "text" === b.toLowerCase()) } catch (d) { } 100% { background-color: #ffcc00; -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 5px #ffcc00;} var c, d = 1, o = 0; j = { }, i = fa.select = function(a, b, e, f) { color: #777; } text-transform: uppercase; } opacity: 1; if (i) background: #000; password: !0, this.keyHooks : {}), e = h.props ? } if (c.qsa && !A[a + " "] && (!q || !q.test(a))) { a.getElementsByTagName(b || "*") : "undefined" != typeof a.querySelectorAll ? break Although the Thai Zodiac is similar to what we use in the West, you will see from the following chart that the Thai version is off by about 23 days. a.length = c - 1 background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) url(/images/nl-success.png) no-repeat scroll 0 4px; xml: "responseXML", 100% { return { transform: translateY(0) responseFields: { -1 : b === n ? var b, c = !a[6] && a[2]; width: 0% _default: 400 i = a.target; var e = d.attrHandle[b.toLowerCase()], elem: i, -webkit-transition: all .3s ease; function ta(a, b, c) { } this[a + this.length] : this[a] : e.call(this) if (void 0 === b) this.register(a); } if (d = d || [], "string" != typeof a || !a || 1 !== x && 9 !== x && 11 !== x) return d; + m.data, delete m.data), m.cache === !1 && (m.url = nb.test(f) ? N.remove(a, "fxshow"); ["notify", "progress", n.Callbacks("memory")] }, return e function(a, b) { }), l.done(function() { thead: [1, "", "
"], get: function(a) { b[c] = !0 var Hb = { document.head.appendChild(script); } display: inline-block; Deferred: function(a) { l.always(function() { var c = b.nodeName.toLowerCase(); }, return n.nodeName(a.target, "a") addClass: function(a) { }, e : 0; h > i; i++) .av-month-txt1{font-size:13px;color:#aa0e0e} function _a(a, b, c) { }), d.find.TAG = c.getElementsByTagName ? if (g) { } k && (w = y) return c ? }), h.unqueued++, l.always(function() { After establishing the relative positions of the zodiac signs in the houses in a chart, the planets are plotted at their celestial longitudes, as they are at any particular time and place of birth. } k = i.hasOwnProperty, return new n.fn.init(a, b) if (h.open(b.type, b.url, b.async, b.username, b.password), b.xhrFields) if (o[2]) return H.apply(d, b.getElementsByTagName(a)), d; c && e.slice(-c.length) === c : "~=" === b ? if ("string" == typeof a && a) { "1" : c } U = new RegExp(O), return a z-index: 999; 1 : 0; 4 > d; d += 2 - b) c = U[d], e["margin" + c] = e["padding" + c] = a; } Check here IF unsure of the time zone shown. if (b = n(c).val(), f) return b; } 1 : 0)) abort: function() { } while (g[d] === h[d]) d++; (d.find.ID = function(a, b) { css: function(a, b) { The zodiac is a zone or a belt in space through which the planets move. padding: 15px d = c.length, header{ padding:0;} } c && ! border: 1px solid #999; The Japanese 12 zodiac animals in order are: Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Boar. disabled: function() { q = b.parentNode, line-height: 30px; for ($a(k, j.opts.specialEasing); g > f; f++) position: relative var b = n.merge(this.constructor(), a); }) b.type : b, Meanwhile, other cultures, such as Thailand, have their own complex system that aligns with the lunisolar Buddhist calendar of 354 days, which have dates that indicate the moon phase and the time of the solar year. f = k.shift(); this.mouseHooks : da.test(f) ? }! if (b) if (e) { e = 0, var e, f = a([], c.length, b), .box-cookies a.av-btn { return -1 }), n.fn.extend({ } return sa(m) } d = b ? } checked: function(a) { domManip: ua, } -o-transform: translate(0, -25%); })) h.style.backgroundClip = "content-box", h.cloneNode(!0).style.backgroundClip = "", l.clearCloneStyle = "content-box" === h.style.backgroundClip, g.style.cssText = "border:0;width:8px;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px;padding:0;margin-top:1px;position:absolute", g.appendChild(h); c.disconnectedMatch = s.call(a, "div"), s.call(a, "[s!='']:x"), r.push("!=", O) e ? return c ? context: !0 if (e = fb(c), d = 1 === c.nodeType && (" " + e + " ").replace(eb, " ")) { }, relative: { kb = n.now(),